State of the Arts in Latin America

KVS & Kunstenpunt
Tue 26.11.2019 14:00 - 17:00
KVS, Brussels
14:00 - 17:00
Past event

Four organisations from as many Latin-American countries with a strong tradition of performing arts are joining hands with KVS: FITAM from Chile, MITsp from Brazil, INAE from Uruguay and Marca País from Argentina. Together, they curate a programme that will be shown during Próximamente: a festival that will take over KVS for five days. Their aim is to create an unique encounter between the two continents. 

The Próximamente Festival opens with the conference State of the Arts in Latin America. Political matters in Latin America have taken quite a turn these last few months. National politicians have imposed drastic measures upon the population, causing social unrest, manifestations and oppression. Latin American artists are affected as well. So we leave the stage to them now. During the conference we also delve into their working methods, focus points and shared experiences with international cultural policies. During the conference, we will delve into their working methods, focus points and shared experiences with international cultural policies.

Get acquainted with a lively and bubbling region that enriches the performing arts with an unique vision and working method.


  • Carmen Romero (FITAM – Chile)
  • Cecilia Kuska (Argentina)


  • Tarina Quelho (Brazil)
  • Andreina Olivari (Chile)
  • Marianella Morena (Uruguay)
  • Marina Otero (Argentina)

 Maria José Andrade

Is part of the selection: