De Woordenaar

Bruno Vanden Broecke / Muziektheater De Kolonie
Thu 10.11.2022 20:00 - 21:15
KVS, Brussels
20:00 - 21:15
Past event

De Woordenaar is an explosive theatre-concert with KVS face Bruno Vanden Broecke starring as a man on a mission. What he has to offer is nothing less than a manual for life.

Surrounded by four brilliant musicians and about twenty different instruments, he dives into our everyday lives, into your life, as it is or as you thought it was.

De Woordenaar is a thrilling combination of soulful words and expressive music. Bo Spaenc creates the musical framework, leaving ample space for improvisation.

Every performance of De Woordenaar is a new, unique musical theatre celebration.


TEKST, SPEL & CONCEPT / TEXTE, JEU & CONCEPT / TEXT, PERFORMANCE & CONCEPT Bruno Vanden Broecke COMPOSITIE & CONCEPT / COMPOSITION & CONCEPT Bo Spaenc LIVE MUZIEK / LIVE MUSIQUE / LIVE MUSIC Bo Spaenc, Pol Vanfleteren, Johan Vandendriessche & Dante Verspaendonck / Amber Meert VORM & LICHT / FORME & LUMIÈRES / FORM & LIGHTING Mark Van Denesse TECHNIEK / TECHNIQUE Dries Bellinkx KOSTUUMS / COSTUMES Chris Snik MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF de Vlaamse Gemeenschap, Cultuurcentrum Berchem, de Belgische Tax Shelter en Gallop Tax Shelter