Licht IV

Tea Tupajić / Münchner Kammerspiele
Fri 21.04.2023 19:00 - 22:30
KVS, Brussels
19:00 - 22:30
Past event

In our times, there are few horrors unheard of and unimaginable. The crimes ISIS committed against the Yazidi women in North Iraq are among them. Certain demons, you have to slaughter from within. In Licht, director Tea Tupajić invites the Yazidi women to descend into themselves to try just that.

After a yearlong journey of preparation, the women come on stage to tell the story of what happened, exactly how they remember it. They bleed it out then and never again, part by part, until they can’t anymore. They do so, so that all that happened was not for nothing. With faith in theatre, they leave it with the audience. Every night one part of the story will be told. LICHT lasts until the whole story is told.

For the stage, Tea Tupajić invited all the colleagues of Münchner Kammerspiele to together create a proscenium curtain. On the curtain, they embroidered by hand the stellar constellation of the sky in the night of the premiere. In each star, one person embroidered an image of that what is inside of them, that could have killed them. The drawings on the curtain have been stitched by more than 50 employees of the Kammerspiele Munich.

'Licht I', 'Licht II' and 'Licht III' will be presented at the Münchner Kammerspiele. A few other parts will be presented internationally, in theatres and festivals led by female artistic directors only. The performance starts at 19 o’clock. It lasts several hours. The end is dependent on the decision of the performers.

Summary previous episodes

On 21/04 you'll witness the fourth part of the performance. Hear you can read what was told in the previous chapters:

Licht I
in Munich, Münchner Kammerspiele, on 23.02.2023, with: Awaz Abdi, Najlaa Matto 
Iraq, 2014. 9 o'clock in the morning it is already over 40 degrees hot. Family life. Trying to hold on and save daily routines. News, phone calls. IS is close. Not understanding. Fear.

Licht II 
in Munich, Münchner Kammerspiele, on 25.02.2023, with: Awaz Abdi, Intisar Ali, Najlaa Matto
The IS is there. An escape into the mountains. People are left behind. An ultimatum passes. An entire village community is herded into a school. Women and children and men are separated: the men are taken away, shots.

Licht III
in Munich, Münchner Kammerspiele, on 15.04.2023
Because the storytellers decide on the performance evening what they will tell, we can share the summary after the show.

Content warning: this performance treats traumatic experiences.

Tea Tupajić (Sarajevo, 1984) is a Croatian theatre and film director and writer. She regularly engages in long-term processes where she invites protagonists who either seem too reluctant to go on stage or have a lot to lose by doing so. This lets her explore the potential of art in confrontation with controversial political and personal issues. Licht will be played only a handful of times in a few cities. 

"What is it inside of you that could kill you?"


  • The duration of the piece is not fixed. The end depends on the decision of the performers.
  • Tea Tupajić will take care of the English simultaneous interpretation herself.


MET / AVEC / WITH Awaz Abdi, Najlaa Matto REGIE / MISE EN SCÈNE / DIRECTION Tea Tupajić DRAMATURGIE & ARTISTIEKE ADMINISTRATION / DRAMATURGIE & ADMINISTRATION ARTISTIQUE / DRAMATURGY & ARTISTIC ADMINISTRATION Katrina Mäntele DECOR & KOSTUUMS / DÉCOR & COSTUMES / SET DESIGN & COSTUMES Hannah von Eiff, Lisa Chiara Kohler MUZIEK / MUSIQUE / MUSIC Roel Meelkop GELUID / SON / SOUND Viola Drewanz LICHT / LUMIÈRES / LIGHTING Charlotte Marr DRAMATURGISCH ADVIES / CONSEIL DRAMATURGIQUE / DRAMATURGY ADVISOR Olivia Ebert, Mehdi Moradpour GORDIJN / RIDEAU / CURTAIN Awaz Abdi, Alyssia Achille, Erwin Aljukić, Barbara Biel, Lisa Braner, Dîlan Z. Çapan, Olivia Ebert, Hannah von Eiff, Leyla Ferman, Felicitas Friedrich, Gundula Gerngroß, Nicolas Hemmelmann, Josef Hofmann, Maria Hörger, Carolin Husemann, Iroha Kaneshiro, Melisa Kaya, Lisa Chiara Kohler, Simone Kremser, Nikolai Kuchin, Elvira Liesenfeld, Christine Maaß, Charlotte Marr, Katrina Mäntele, Jutta Masurath, Najlaa Matto, Heloá Pizzi Mauro, Roel Meelkop, Josh Menges, Mehdi Moradpour, Barbara Mundel, Ronya Othmann, Esther Patrocinio Sánchez, Barbara Patz, Annette Paulmann, Gina Penzkofer, Sandra Petermann, Katharina Quandt, Jeanette Raue, Sofie Reindl-Grüger, Stefanie Rendtorff, Steffen Roßmanith, Daniela Schroll, Anette Schultheiss, Sabine Schutzbach, Tea Tupajić, Constantin Weidenbach, Volker Wiltsch, Teresa Winkelmann, Yue Ying, and others who prefer to remain anonymous SIMULTAANVERTALING / TRADUCTION SIMULTANÉE / SIMULTANEOUS INTERPRETATION Tea Tupajić REGIE-ASSISTENT/ ASSISTANT·E À LA MISE EN SCÈNE / ASSISTANCE TO THE DIRECTOR Dîlan Z. Çapan ASSISTENT KOSTUUMS / ASSISTANT·E COSTUMES / COSTUME ASSISTANCE Heloá Pizzi Mauro THERAPEUTISCH & CREATIEF ADVIES ADVIES / CONSEIL THÉRAPEUTIQUE ET CRÉATIF / THERAPEUTIC & CREATIVE ADVICE Rik Vermeulen REFERENTIEPERSONEN PERFORMERS / INTERPRÈTE DE RÉFÉRENCE / REFERENCE PERSON PERFORMERS Leyla Ferman ARTISTIEKE ADMINISTRATIE / ADMINISTRATION ARTISTIQUE / ARTISTIC ADMINISTRATION Constantin Weidenbach TECHNISCHE COÖRDINATIE / COORDINATION TECHNIQUE / TECHNICAL COORDINATION Carolin Husemann, Julia Schröder TONEELMEESTER / RÉGISSEUR / STAGE MANAGER Stefanie Rendtorff PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION Münchner Kammerspiele COPRODUCTIE / COPRODUCTION Kaaitheater, the FFT Düsseldorf, the Lucerne Theatre IN HET KADER VAN / DANS LE CADRE DE / IN THE FRAME OF “Female Peace Palace“, a joint project by Münchner Kammerspiele and Monacensia im Hildebrandhaus GEFINANCIERD DOOR / FINANCÉ PAR / FUNDED BY the Kulturstiftung des Bundes (German Federal Cultural Foundation), the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien (Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and Media)