Wed 06.11.2024 and Thu 07.11.2024
  • 06.11.2024
    20:00 - 21:30
    KVS, Brussels
  • 07.11.2024
    20:00 - 21:30
    KVS, Brussels

A special vocal journey 

HAMEL, The 13th century Pied Piper eradicated the rats from the plagued town Hamelin with the power of music but used the same ploy to abduct children when not paid his fee. A troubling figure, a rat catcher, an angel of revenge, an abductor of children, a shaman who speaks with animals. For the YouYou Group HAMEL is an incentive to look deeper into enchanting musical practices as tools of change that affect spaces and transport people. The river where the rats were drowned, becomes the protagonist in this vocal performance, and the performers' voices stream into the solid theater architecture during an immersive sonic choreography.

Hamel is a verb of coding and recoding: 'hameling'. To hamel is to dissolve cultural tropes, by following the lineages of the group and its cultural specificities. To hamel is to allow imaginations to migrate across genders, races, geographies.The Brussels-based YouYou Group whip and balm with the pure force of voices. The ululations and loud trills after which the group is named (youyous) led the group to work deeply with vibrations and frequencies collapsing borders between performers and audience. inside and outside.

Happening mostly in public space, museums or galleries, the group now brings its space-sensitive engaging ritualistic performance approach to the theater.


Is part of the selection:


artistieke leiding | direction artistique | artistic direction Caroline Daish, Anissa Rouas, Hoda Siahtiri, Myriam Van Imschoot performers Fatima Aitabi, Luiza Amzighar, Nahal Assakereh, Stéphanie Auberville, Maud Cattiaux,  Caroline Daish, Lou Joubert, Amalia Joumady, Dada Kahindo, Sarah Leo, Eszter Némethi, Hoda Siahtiri, Malika Temoura, Carolina Van Eps, , Elli Vassalou beweging | mouvement | movement Stéphanie Auberville textiel | textile Linda Topic, with the complicity of Antonin Bachet weven | tissage | weaving YouYou Group, with the coaching of René Wijnants visueel artiest | artiste visuel | visual artist Meryem Bayram sonorisatie | sonorisation Stef Van Alsenoy
lichtontwerp | conception de lumière | light design Eduardo Abdala productieleiding | directeur·rice de production | production manager Kaat Balfoort financieel beheer | gestion financière | financial management Wim Viaene/Rossinant productie | production newpolyphonies   coproductie | coproduction deSingel, Platform 0090, C-Takt met dank aan | remerciements à | with thanks to Adaline Anobile, Ani Bedrossian, Rika Colpaert, Mira Gebhardt, Pema Geeraerts, Bamba Gueye, Solal Gueye, Toine Horvers, Caroline Lee-Jeong, Sarah Leó, Chevalier Masson, Emilie Masson, Edgard Neris, Sarah Patoor,  Léa Ricorday, Anthony Ruotte, Livia Slegers,  Deva Stelandre-Topic, Anna Sveyslitskaya, Nele Tas

Every creation of the YouYou Group builds on the practices that the group has been developing and nurturing since its inception in 2014 by the grace of all its members.