Alleen Verbeelding

Michael De Cock / KVS
Thu 12.12.2024 - Wed 12.03.2025

Thirty years ago, Michael De Cock saw a poster of a little boy with a flute and a question beside him that has haunted him ever since: Can art save the world? And how?

In his quest for an answer to that question, De Cock takes you on a journey along unexpected paths and roads. From Tomorrowland to the backstage of KVS, from the Louvre to the other side of the world. He sings, dances, and tells stories about a nocturnal walk through Brussels with Paris Hilton, about Prince, Emma Bovary, and Jan Fabre. And you know what? Without imagination, we are hardly worth anything!

Only Imagination is a deeply personal performance that will ultimately make you realize that without imagination, we are worth very little.