
Trill & KVS
Sun 27.11.2022 14:00
KVS, Brussels
14:00 - 14:50
Past event

Seniorenslam unites young and old around slam, rap and performance poetry: a remarkable creative coalition.

For this daring cross-pollination, KVS joins forces with Leuven- based Trill (formerly known as Urban Woorden & Artforum) for the second time. Trill has built up a decade of expertise in slam workshops, expertly led by young word artists. In Seniorenslam we look for the common ground between young and old, using slam poetry as our medium. Young slammers introduce senior citizens to the world of spoken word and together they find commonality across generations.

The participants of Seniorenslam – urban youths and active seniors – have been in contact for two years. In 2020 they created a photographic series together in Leuven, and in 2021 director Tijs Torfs shot a documentary about this remarkable exchange between young and old. This year, the production lands in Brussels. A number of youngsters take charge of three groups of seniors in the coming months and get them ready for their moment of glory, an unmissable showcase at KVS on 27 November.

For this performance, we provide the Dutch and French translation of the texts on paper.


SLAMMERS Sarah Bekambo, Rosie Guillaume, Anna Borodikhina, Mouctar, Christophe, Henoc, Jawid, Octavia De Buysscher, Johan Deputter, Els Van Langendonck, Nicole Van Opstal, Marie-Josee Van Nechelen, Paul Beuckelaers, Maman Marie-Louise TSHIBUNDULU, Maman Marie Josée OMBA, Maman Francisca BAMBAMBA, Maman Céline MBOYA, Maman Marie-Louise WAMANYA, Maman Régine OLIKI RÉGISSEUR / DIRECTEUR Giovanni Baudonck MUSIC Raphael Starkens, Stephane Diskus PRODUCTIELEIDER / DIRECTEUR DE PRODUCTION / PRODUCTION MANAGER David Tricot, Ella De Gregoriis PRODUCTION TECHNIQUE & REGIE DE PLATEAU / TECHNISCHE PRODUCTIE & TONEELMEESTER Carlo Bourguignon TECHNIEK / TECHNIQUE Margareta Andersen (licht/lumières/lighting), Donald Berlanger (geluid/son/sound), Sebastiaan Kruk PRODUCTIE / PRODUCTION Trill & KVS PARTNERS / KVS PARTENAIRES KVS, Koko Slam Gang, Proza-K, Brussels Ouderenplatform, Joëlle Sambi & Modul PARTNERS / PARTENAIRES 2020 - 2023 Rataplan / Arenberg / 30CC / De Cinema / WORKSHOP / MASTERCLASS Sefora Samangua / Maravilha Munto / Joëlle Sambi MET DE STEUN VAN / AVEC LE SOUTIEN DE / WITH THE SUPPORT OF The Flemish Government