Juist is Juist: also at KVS

KVS adopts the Juist is Juist principles and agreements completely.

Juist is Juist: also at KVS 

Juist is Juist [what’s right is right] is an organisation that defines clear and honest principles and practices for collaborations in the arts sector, for all disciplines and parties. Arts organisations and arts workers need to be able to work the right way: with sufficient funding, fair pay, good labour conditions and transparent agreements. Juist is Juist helps translate good intentions to tangible practices through concrete advice and specific tools, all of which KVS happily makes use of.

How does KVS go from good intentions to good practices?

Before work on a new creation starts, KVS conducts a conversation about wage conditions, expected expenses and time investments and their respective reimbursements. We always start from an estimation of the time period in which the work will be completed and propose a wage distribution that follows current pay scales in the performing arts.

We also inform artists about the various ways they can be employed (payroll, as a freelancer through invoicing, as a non-profit, via an SBK or a classic temping agency, amongst others). If these agreements are made in a timely manner before the start of the assignment, we can ensure a mutually correct and fruitful artistic collaboration.